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Scholarship Zone

Database FYI:
Tip for Early Middle College 5th Years: Using your browser's search tool (Ctrl + F) you can search for "5th Year" to find some of the scholarships you should consider applying for in your 5th year of the EMC program. AND, you should remember to apply to the Shiawassee Community Foundation scholarships EVERY years you remain in college. Their scholarship window opens November 15th and closes the following Jan 31st. 

The below Annual Scholarship Database is our custom database focusing on our custom pick of opportunities that fit two categories:

  • National Essay/Speech/Video/Fine Art Contests and

  • Local/Regional/State Opportunities.


The majority of opportunities are for seniors preparing to graduate. Some scholarships include underclassmen which tend to be in the format of writing/speech/video/fine arts contests. 
Scholarships remain listed after the deadline passes. If you are interested in a scholarship not yet updated, we encourage you to investigate the previous year's application details. Although deadlines and theme-based scholarships will update annually, typically scholarship criteria rarely change. Investigating the process, especially for contest based opportunities, will give you a headstart in your preparation to apply. 


Scholarship updates are announced by the SSC using social media and the daily announcements. Students receive the daily announcement automatically each day through their OPS email account. Parents can sign up for the daily announcements by email too, start by going to our Plug In page. 

Opportunities: State of Michigan .GOV

Michigan Department of Education *FREE* Money for College!


*NEW* MI Student Aid: Achievement Scholarship - Students who graduate from high school in Michigan with a diploma or certificate of completion or achieved a high school equivalency certificate in 2023 or after will be eligible for more financial aid from the State of Michigan: (1) up to $2,000 if they attend an eligible training provider in Michigan, per year, up to two years, (2) up to $2,750 if they attend a Michigan community college, per year, up to three years, (3) up to $4,000 if they attend a Michigan private college or university, per year, up to five years, and (4) up to $5,500 if they attend a Michigan public university, per year, up to five years.


MI Student Aid: Scholarship Search EngineMI Student Aid offers a database of scholarship opportunities, sorted by region. Simply choose your county, and you can download a customized list of available scholarships. Click here to try it out! 


Michigan Children of Veterans Tuition Grant - The Children of Veterans Tuition Grant provides undergraduate tuition assistance to students older than 16 and less than 26 years of age who are the natural or adopted child of a Michigan veteran. The veteran must have died or became totally and permanently disabled as a result of military service. Valued up to $2,800 per year.


Michigan Competitive Scholarship - MCS program is available to undergraduate students pursuing their first degrees at an approved Michigan postsecondary institution. Students must demonstrate both financial need and merit. Eligible applicants must achieve a qualifying ACT score prior to entering college. Valued up to $1,000 per year.


Michigan Fostering Futures Scholarship - The Fostering Futures Scholarship provides scholarships to students who have experienced foster care in Michigan on or after age 13.  Students must also demonstrate financial need to qualify. Eligible seniors must apply by June 30. Valued up to $3,000 per year.


Michigan Police Officer's and Fire Fighter's Survivor Tuition - Police Officer’s and Fire Fighter’s Survivor Tuition Act provides for the waiver of tuition at a Michigan community college or public university for children and surviving spouses of Michigan police officers and fire fighters killed in the line of duty. The program is intended to provide an educational benefit to the spouse and children of police officers and fire fighters who made the ultimate sacrifice for their communities and the citizens of Michigan. Valued up to a full waiver of tuition. 


Michigan TIP Scholarship - The Tuition Incentive Program (TIP) encourages eligible Medicaid recipients to complete high school by providing tuition assistance during an eligible student’s qualifying certificate or associate degree program and also during the student’s bachelor’s degree program.

  • Student must have (or have had) Medicaid coverage for 24 months within a 36-consecutive month period between the ages of nine and high school graduation.

  • Complete the TIP application no later than August 31 of the academic year in which the student graduates from high school or its recognized equivalent.

  • Obtain a high school diploma or its recognized equivalent prior to age 20.​​

  • Students who attend a state-approved Early/Middle College have until age 21 to graduate and complete a TIP application.


Year Round/Seasonal Scholarships Resources: Scholarships Search Engine: Complete steps on to explore careers, plan for college, and pay for college. When you complete them, you'll be entered into monthly drawings valued between $500 to $40,000 in scholarships. supports students as they consider what to do after high school and helps them explore and plan safely. 


Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation - Career & Technical Education Scholarships: This scholarship opportunity is for children of Marines and Navy Corpsmen pursuing a post-secondary education at any accredited school—whether that be a career training, trade school, community college, or four-year university. The CTE scholarship application is available all year and applications are processed every month. The entire process will take at least 5 weeks.


​Digital Responsibility - 4 x Essay Scholarship Contests Year-round: This scholarship is open to students in 9th, 10th, 11th & 12th Graders! Applicants must write a 500-1000 word theme essay focusing on "taking control of your digital life". 4 Annual Quarterly Sessions & Topics: January 30 = Technology Addiction Awareness, April 30 = E-waste, June 30 = Digital Privacy, and September 30 = Don't Text and Drive. Valued at $1,000 each.


Save a Life: Heath Education Scholarship - 2 x Submissions Annually: Seniors or Early Middle College students may apply who are enrolling in the fall to a degree program in the fields of healthcare or education, at an accredited U.S. university. The reference to "healthcare and education fields" is a broad term that includes mental health degrees or occupations, as well as administrative and non-profit programs.  Must provide transcript and an essay between 750 and 1,000 words - submitted by email. Please request a PDF copy of your transcript through the OHS-Parchment Portal, making sure to give yourself at least 3-5 business days for the order. This scholarship is offered twice a year and valued at $1,500. 2 Annual Submissions: Fall-October 1 and Spring-May 1. Valued at $1,500/ea.

Opportunities: Year Round/Seasonal
Opportunities: Annual Scholarhip Database

Annual Scholarship Database:​​​​​​​​​​


Opportunities: Next 90 Days
Shiawassee Community Foundaton
  • ​DEADLINE â€‹1/8/2025 - Lake Michigan Credit Union (LMCU) Lloyd F. Hutt Scholarship: Seniors and 5th Year Early Middle College students can apply who are planning to attend college, university, or trade school in the the next academic year.  Applicants must be a Michigan resident or member/child of a member of LMCU. An original theme based essay is required - see website for this year's essay theme.  Valued at $2,000. 

  • ​DEADLINE 1/8/2025 GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship Program: Seniors may apply if they can demonstrate attributes of leadership, drive, integrity, and citizenship at school, workplace, and community. And must have a 3.0+ GPA. Valued at $10,000.

  • DEADLINE 1/31/2025 - Shiawassee Community Foundation (SCF): The SCF is a local area nonprofit organization that manages the application process for dozens of local and regional college fund offerings, such as memorial scholarships. ​​Don’t miss out by waiting, this is not something you can speed through and below are some steps to begin to prepare. ​Carefully Fill Out Online Application + Finalize Your Uploads + Meet the Deadline = Opportunity for FREE $MONEY$ for College! Value: Last year the SCF managed the collective distribution of $156,000 in scholarships to Shiawassee County area students.  


    • Recommendations - The fillable PDF version of the Recommendation Request Forms is available online, and paper copies are available as a handout in the SSC.

    • Essay - Thoughtfully Write and Prepare Your Essay for Timely Upload

    • Transcript - Know Your OHS Transcript Manager! The SCF Application Process Requires Entering the Name & Email of the OHS Transcript Manager:  (A) Name = “Mrs. Madison Benson”  & (B) Email = “

  • DEADLINE â€‹2/10/2025 - Saginaw Community Foundation: This Foundation is much like the Shiawassee Community Foundation application program. The application process requires submitting 1 application in order to be considered for the multiple scholarships they manage. For example, TEAMONE Credit Union awards 14 scholarships through the Foundation annually and available to applications in Shiawassee County. In 2020 one senior from Corunna High School was one of the TEAMONE winners. One application = multiple scholarship considerations. The TEAMONE scholarship was valued at $1,000. 

  • DEADLINE â€‹2/10/2024 - MEA Scholarship (Michigan Education Association): Seniors may apply if they are dependents of an MEA member or MEA-Retired member in good standing and have a plan to pursue either a 2-year/4-year college degree or a trade school certification/license. Eligible students attending the following private institutions ONLY are Baker College-Flint/Owosso; University of Detroit–Mercy; Adrian College; Finlandia University; and Albion College, which are existing local MEA affiliates. (Note: Children of MEA officers, fund trustees, and MEA staff are not eligible, except if one parent is an MEA member.)  Selection Criteria (Priority is given based on): Academic achievement, active involvement in extra-curricular activities, demonstrated commitment to school and community service, with special consideration for students from lower-income households. Valued at approximately $500.

  • DEADLINE 2/14/2025 - Team One Credit Union: To be eligible to apply for a Team One Credit Union Scholarship, applicants must be or become a Member of the credit union.

  • DEADLINE 2/15 Annually - Kiwanis Club of Owosso Scholarship: Seniors planning to attend college in the fall may apply. Requires proof of GPA, financial need, and history of service in your school and community. Valued at $1,000.

  • DEADLINE â€‹2/21/2025 - ​The Engineering Society of Detroit (ESD)-Outstanding High School Student of the Year Scholarship: Graduating seniors with a 3.0+ gpa who are pursuing a career in engineering or the life sciences and serve as an active volunteer in the school or community. Requires submission of an application and a recommendation letter from a teacher or counselor. Valued at $2,000.

  • DEADLINE â€‹3/1 Annually - American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) - National Children of Warriors Presidents' Scholarship: Seniors planning to attend an accredited college, university, or trade school in the fall. Criteria requires applicant to be in the top quarter of their class demonstrate financial need. Must attend a Michigan to be from Michigan, provide proof of being a direct descendant of an honorably discharged veteran or active duty service member, GPA of 2.5+, and demonstrate financial need. Requires application, letters of recommendation, 1,000 word max essay on theme, statement about the military service (branch, dates of service, photo of discharge papers if available) of the qualifying family member, official transcript, copy of FAFSA Summary Report and Confirmation Page (or FAFSA Student Aid Report-SAR).​ Valued at $5,000. â€‹â€‹â€‹

  • DEADLINE â€‹3/1/2025- American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) - National Eagle Scout of the Year Scholarship: This scholarship is for Eagle Scouts and designed to recognize AL, ALA, or STOAL members actively involved in the Scouting program. Requires documentation of membership and accomplishments. Valued at $1,000/local level, and $2,500-$10,000/national level.  

  • DEADLINE â€‹3/1 Annually- American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) - National Spirit of Youth Scholarship: Senior applicants must have been a Junior member of the ALA for 3 consecutive years and continue their membership to current year. Requires a 3.0 gpa, application, letters of recommendation, 1,000 word max essay on theme, official transcript, copy of FAFSA Summary Report and Confirmation Page (or FAFSA Student Aid Report-SAR). Valued at $5,000 annually over 4 years, conditions apply.​ Valued at $5,000. 

  • DEADLINE â€‹3/1 Annually - American Legion Auxiliary Department of Michigan - Medical Career Scholarship: ​Seniors seeking a medical degree at an accredited college, university, or trade school in the fall. Criteria requires applicant to prove they are a direct descendant of an honorably discharged veteran or active duty service member, provide a transcript showing they are in the top quarter of their class, demonstrate financial need, submit three letters of recommendation, and proof of enrollment in a Michigan school.  Valued at $1,000.

  • DEADLINE 3/​1 Annually - American Legion Auxiliary Department of Michigan - Memorial Scholarship: Seniors *girls* applying meet the specific criteria as daughters, granddaughters, great-granddaughters of honorably discharged or deceased men or women veterans (see application for veteran details) may apply. Requires copy of veteran's discharge papers (review application for instructions on how to acquire such documents), letters of recommendation, transcript, Income Tax 1040 for previous year or FAFSA completion summary. Valued at $500.​

  • DEADLINE â€‹3/1/2025 - Michigan Association of Police-Carl Parcell Scholarship: Seniors can apply that have an immediate family member who is a member of one of the following organizations: Michigan Association of Police, Michigan Association of Public Employees, or Michigan Association of Fire Fighters. This scholarship assists members and their families who are motivated to improve society by enhancing their future careers through a college education. Valued at $2,500. 

  • DEADLINE â€‹3/29/2025 - CASE Credit Union-Chubb Hayes Freeman Matlock Scholarship: Open to seniors planning to attend college, university, or trade school in the fall. Requires proof of academic achievement (3.0+ GPA), dedication to continuing education, and financial need. Applicants submit essay, transcript, two letters of recommendation, FAFSA, and proof of acceptance to accredited institution. Valued at $1,000 each; 7 winners selected. 

  • DEADLINE ​4/1/2025 - Michigan Retailers Association (MRA) College Scholarship: (Application window may not be open for the new school year.) Qualifying seniors or early middle college (EMC) students may apply. Applicant or a parent/guardian must work at a business that is a member of MRA. Click the following link for a list of current MRA members: Valued at $3,500 each to 12 winners. 

    • High School Seniors - Requires being, (1) in the top half of the senior class, and (2) provide standardized test scores (at least 18 for the ACT Composite or, for the SAT combined Critical Reading and Math scores, at least 850).

    • EMC/College Students - Requires a 2.5+ college GPA.

  • DEADLINE â€‹4/1/2025 - SET SEG Skilled Trade Scholarship: Qualifying seniors planning to attend college next fall may apply. Requires the student to have been enrolled in a CTE program during high school and enrolling in certificate or degree program at a 2-year Michigan college, technical school or accredited technical institute next fall. Valued at $500.

  • EXPIRED DEADLINE â€‹1/22/2024 - American Legion Auxiliary Department of Michigan - (1) Brewer & (2) Wilson Scholarships: Seniors planning to attend an accredited college, university, or trade school in the fall. Criteria for the two scholarships differ and will be available only to students who meet the eligibility requirements for that scholarship. Applicants are required to be from Michigan, provide proof of being a direct descendant of an honorably discharged veteran or active duty service member, GPA of 2.5+, and demonstrate financial need. Be sure to to allow for 3-5 business days to request an official paper transcript from the OHS SSC Secretary. The William D. & Jewell Brewer Scholarship is valued at $500 and The Guy M. Wilson Scholarship is valued at $1,000.

  • EXPIRED DEADLINE 3/1/2024 - GreenStone Farm Credit Services Scholarship: Seniors can apply who are planning to study an agriculture related field with a career in production agriculture or agribusiness. Requirements include a 3.0+ GPA; demonstrate participation and leadership in school; submit complete application with two letters of recommendation written by non-family members by published deadline; and Relatives (siblings, step-siblings, children, stepchildren, grandchildren, step-grandchildren, nieces and nephews) of GreenStone Farm Credit Services board director and employees are not eligible to receive a scholarship. ​Valued at $1,000-2,000. 

  • EXPIRED DEADLINE 3/1/2024 - Rosa L. Parks Michigan Scholarship: (Application expected to open Jan 2024) The Rosa L. Parks Scholarship Foundation is dedicated to awarding scholarships to Michigan high school seniors who hold close to Mrs. Parks' ideals while demonstrating academic skills, community involvement and economic need. Michigan seniors with a 2.5+ GPA can apply. Requires application, 200-300 word essay, and current transcript with ACT and/or SAT scores. Value - The Foundation awards approximately forty scholarships valued at $2,000 each.

  • EXPIRED DEADLINE â€‹3/2/2024 - Greater Michigan Construction Academy (GMCA)-Ed Tanzini Memorial Scholarship: Applicants must plan to pursue a post-secondary vocational skilled trades education and training in an apprenticeship program at GMCA. Applicant will be evaluated in the following areas: GPA/GED, work/life skills, high school attendance records, honors/awards, and extracurricular activities. Value will cover the cost of the 1st year of the 2-year GMCA program. 

  • EXPIRED DEADLINE â€‹3/12/2024DEADLINE 3/12/2024 - MCPA CTE Work-Based Learning Student Scholarship: Seniors who have demonstrated exceptional dedication and success in their CTE Work-Based Learning (WBL/Co-Op) experiences may apply. The Michigan Career Placement Association (MCPA) recognizes outstanding seniors who have excelled in their CTE WBL placements. Eligible applicants must be seniors eligible for graduation and currently enrolled in a CTE WBL experience, with a placement related to their EDP career pathway. We recommend that before you apply that you first start by talking with your OHS CTE/Co-Op program teacher and they will support you as you navigate the application process, which requires that they submit your complete application as an MCPA member to the MCPA Regional Representative by the deadline. Valued at $1,000. 

  • EXPIRED DEADLINE 3/12/2024 - MCPA Non-CTE Work-Based Learning Student Scholarship: Seniors who have demonstrated exceptional dedication and success in their Non-CTE Work-Based Learning (WBL) experiences may apply. The Michigan Career Placement Association (MCPA) recognizes outstanding seniors who have excelled in their Non-CTE WBL placements. Eligible applicants must be seniors eligible for graduation and currently enrolled in a Non-CTE WBL experience, with a placement related to their EDP career pathway. We recommend that before you apply that you first start by talking with your WBL teacher or coordinator and they will support you as you navigate the application process, which requires that they submit your complete application as an MCPA member to the MCPA Regional Representative by the deadline. Valued at $1,000.

  • *JUNIORS!* EXPIRED DEADLINE â€‹3/15/2024 - Horatio Alger Association-Scholarships for High School Juniors: THIS ONE IS FOR JUNIORS! Juniors should apply if they have a minimum cumulative 2.0 GPA (shown on the current 5th semester transcript), demonstrate critical financial assistance (i.e., parent/guardian 2020 taxes or other proof of public assistance/disability documentation), involvement in school and community service, and display integrity and perseverance in overcoming adversity. Applicants are considered for National and State scholarships. Scholarships range in value from $2,500-$10,000.

  • EXPIRED DEADLINE 3/15/2023 - Shiawassee Conservation Association-Earl Davenport Memorial Scholarship: Seniors may apply who are planning a career in conservation, related to fields such as wildlife preservation, outdoor education, naturalist, fisheries biologist, etc. Multiple awards valued between $500 and $1,000 each.  

  • EXPIRED DEADLINE 3/31/2024 - SVEC Farm Services Achievement Scholarship (Saginaw Valley Equine Clinic): This opportunity is for graduating seniors involved in the horse community and pursuing higher education, college, trade school, etc.  Application requires cover letter stating experience in horse community and educational plans after high school, 400-500 word essay describing a historical equestrian figure and their impact on the current equine industry. Value ranges between $1,000 to $2,000. 

  • Pending Opening in February 2025 > EXPIRED DEADLINE 3/31/2024 - Society of Women Engineers (SWE) + Detroit Section College-Freshmen Scholarship: This opportunity is for seniors who identify as a woman and planning to pursue a career in engineering, engineering technology and computer science. Requires a 3.0 minimum GPA, application form, official transcript, and essay. SWE is a global organization, and the SWE-Detroit Section serves ALL of Michigan. Each applicant submits 1 application which is automatically considered for over multiple SWE individual scholarships offered globally, nationally, and scholarships exclusive to Michigan. Value ranges between $1,000 to $10,000. 

  • EXPIRED DEADLINE 3/31/2024PFCU McCrumb Scholarship: Seniors with a 3.0+ gpa, planning to attend college in the fall, involved in the community, and known for their excellent character, can apply for this scholarship. This scholarship is based on Citizenship, Attitude and Economics. Requires application, recommendation letters, and a 500 word or less essay. Valued at $1,000.

  • EXPIRED DEADLINE 4/1/2024 - 4th Degree Knights of Columbus-Robert L. Flynn Assembly #0511 Scholarship: Seniors may apply who are enrolling in an accredited school of higher learning in the fall. The student must be a child or grandchild of a current member of the above assembly, #0511. Award criteria is based on academic record, citizenship and service, and financial need. Value unknown.​

  • EXPIRED DEADLINE â€‹4/1/2024 - Shiawassee Area Writers Scholarship: Qualifying seniors may apply who are interested in a writing-related field of study and planning to attend college in the fall. Requires the application; reference letter from a writing-teacher (which can be an English, Creative Writing, Journalism, or Yearbook teacher/advisor); a 2,500 maximum word essay, short story, newspaper article, or poem regarding a spring theme of your choice; and a senior year photo. Valued at $250.

  • EXPIRED DEADLINE 4/5/2024 - Newton Pens Scholarship: Seniors can apply who are planning to attend a post-secondary program in the fall. Must have a 2.5+ cumulative GPA and demonstrate financial need with EFC of $6,500 or less (FSA Expected Family Contribution). Student must be signing up for full time classes – college of their choice – study of their choice. 4 year, 2 year, trade, technical, barber, beauty, welding, ANY type of secondary school. Plan ahead because this submission is by mail and requires the following: (1) signed-sealed official paper transcript from Mrs. Pilon, (2) two letters of recommendation, (3) your personal story essay, and (4) a card or piece of paper with your name, email, phone, and mailing address. Valued between $1,000-$2,000. 

  • EXPIRED DEADLINE 4/15/2024 - Clio Cast and Crew-Krause and Kolkman Memorial Scholarship: Seniors or Early Middle College students may apply who are planning a post-secondary degree in the arts. This includes, but is not limited to, degrees in Theater, Dance, Music, Film, Graphic Design, or Visual Arts. Requires application, letter of recommendation (see application for details), transcript, essay about performance and/or technician experience and goal. Learn more about Clio Cast and Crew by going to Valued at $1,000.

  • EXPIRED DEADLINE 4/15/2024 - Flint Community Players Arts Scholarship: Seniors or Early Middle College students may apply who are planning to study the Arts at the post-secondary level, as a major or minor. This scholarship's purpose is to support, promote, encourage, and foster learning in the arts at the post-secondary level. Community spirit and Volunteerism are important aspects of this opportunity. Academic achievement, extra-curricular activities, and community service are priority factors in the committee's decision. Requirements are to submit the application with a copy of your current transcript, proof of acceptance of enrollment at a post-secondary institution, two-page biographical goal-oriented letter, and one letter of recommendation. Note: Application link is a low-resolution PDF to print and fill out manually. Value unknown. 

  • EXPIRED DEADLINE â€‹4/15/2023 - Michigan Association of Chiefs of Police (MACP)-Michigan Law Enforcement Educational Fund (MLEEF) Youth Scholarship Award: Seniors may apply who are planning to attend college in the fall. Criteria requires: (1) official signed-seal transcript (request from Mrs. Pilon in the SSC), (2) proof of school/civic involvement, (3) biography, and (4) 500 word essay. To connect to the local MACP member(s) you'll need to contact the local police department. Valued at $2,500 each. 

  • EXPIRED DEADLINE 4/15/2024 - Shiawassee Co Historical Society-James Oliver Curwood Scholarship: Seniors planning to attend college in the fall may apply. Requires submitting application, photo, ACT or SAT scores are required along with a 400 word biography including goals and the reason you feel you deserve the scholarship award. Value unknown. 

  • EXPIRED DEADLINE â€‹4/15/2024 - Tom Giberson Memorial Scholarship*: Seniors may apply. Requires a 2.0+ cumulative GPA and a plan to attend a 2-4 year college or trade school. This scholarship is dedicated to the memory of Tom Giberson, OHS class of 1964, golf enthusiast, and long-time insurance agent in Owosso. Valued at $500. *IMPORTANT APPLICATION TIP: THIS IS A GOOGLE FORM AND YOU MUST BE LOGGED INTO A GOOGLE ACCOUNT BEFORE YOU CAN VIEW AND SUBMIT A GOOGLE FORM APPLICATION.

  • EXPIRED DEADLINE â€‹4/15/2024 - Van Gilder Family Foundation Scholarship*: Seniors planning to attend college in the fall may apply. Requires a 2.5+ cumulative GPA, honorable character, enrollment in a 4+ year degree program, honorable character. Required two essays: (1) 400 words that answer the question, "how your life speaks about who you are, and how has it influenced the person you have become." (2) 500 words that state, (a) your ambitions, (b) how you plan to achieve them, and (c) why you feel you are deserving of the scholarship. Valued at $2,500 each for two seniors. *IMPORTANT APPLICATION TIP: THIS IS A GOOGLE FORM AND YOU MUST BE LOGGED INTO A GOOGLE ACCOUNT BEFORE YOU CAN VIEW AND SUBMIT A GOOGLE FORM APPLICATION

  • EXPIRED DEADLINE 4/30/2024 - American Institute of Graphic Art Worldstudio (AIGA)-Diversified by Design Scholarships: Seniors may apply who meet at least the following criteria: (Greater details on the application website.)

    • Education: (a) Planning to attend college next fall. (b) Pursuing a degree in the disciplines of graphic design, illustration, or photography. (c) 3.0+ cumulative GPA.

    • Financial Need: (a) Completion of FAFSA.

    • Written Statement: (a) Statement of Purpose. (b) Examples of Commitment to Social Agenda. 

    • Additional Criteria: (a) Letters of Recommendation, (b) Transcript. (c) Student Portfolios. (c) Scholarships are awarded to encourage social and environmental responsibility and cultural awareness in the next generation of artists and designers. Creativity holds an enormous power to impact change. It is important for the jurors to understand how you intend to do this through your design or artwork. 

    • Note: A.I. Generated or Assisted art is not eligible. We will not consider A.I. text-to-image generated work samples or self-portraits. Valued between $500 to 5,000 each award.

  • EXPIRED DEADLINE 5/1/2024 - Michigan Association of College Admission Counseling (MACAC)-Maggie Miller ScholarshipSeniors planning to attend college in the fall may apply through the SSC. Requires a 3.2+ cumulative GPA. Applicants must submit an aspiration-themed essay or video inspired by the Life Story of Maggie Miller. Submissions are given to the OHS Secretary who will submit the top 2 applicants directly to MACAC by their May 5th deadline. Valued at $500+. 

  • EXPIRED DEADLINE 5/3/2024 - 2024 Agriculture Scholarship-Farm City Dinner: Seniors going into the field of agriculture and starting college next fall may apply. Simply click the above link and submit your application by the deadline. Valued at $250. 

  • EXPIRED DEADLINE 5/15/2024 - Michigan Youth Livestock "Statewide" Scholarship: Seniors must be a youth exhibitor at a local, county, state-wide exhibition or state fair for a minimum of three years prior to the year of application. Requires application, 2 letters of recommendation, and transcript. Criteria for judging is: fair participation, leadership, volunteerism, and scholastic standing. Preference will be given to applicants pursuing agricultural or related fields of student. Valued up to $1,000 with the opportunity for additional consideration for awards up to $5,000 value.  

  • EXPIRED DEADLINE 5/21/2024 - Michigan Foundation for Exceptional Children (MCEC): Applicants must have a district verified disability (IEP or 504 Plan) and financial need may apply. Requires the submission of an application, photograph, acceptance letter to post-secondary institution in Michigan that officially supports student's special needs, letters of recommendation, and a written or recorded essay (goals, educational plans, community service, and leadership skills). Granted up to $1,500 - funds can be used for transportation, special equipment, tutoring, and tuition.

  • EXPIRED DEADLINE 6/1/2024 - Shiawassee County Farm Bureau Scholarship (SCFB): Seniors or Early Middle College students may apply who are active members in 4-H, FFA, or their family (parent/grandparent) is a member of the Farm Bureau. Must be seeking a 2 to 4 year agricultural related degree, possess quality academics, leadership and community service. Requires application, recommendation letter, resume, and explanation for purpose and goals surrounding your intended college major. Applicant must possess the qualities of scholarship, leadership and community service. (10th-12th GRADE NOTE: Click here to learn about the Junior Board Member of the Shiawassee Co. Farm Bureau.) Valued at $1,000. 

  • EXPIRED DEADLINE 6/15/2024 - Horatio Alger Career & Technical Scholarship Program: Seniors completing high school in Summer 2022 should apply if they meet the criteria: (1) proof of enrollment in a 2 year or less career or technical/certificate program in the Fall that will lead to employment, (2) attend a not-for-profit post-secondary institution, and (3) demonstrate financial need. More details available through the official application. The CTE-based scholarships range in value up to $2,500.

  • EXPIRED DEADLINE 6/16/2024- Energy Education for Michigan Scholarship: Qualifying seniors planning to attend college next fall may apply. This scholarship requires 2.75+ GPA, enrollment in a Michigan college/university with a study affiliated with Michigan's Oil and Natural Gas Industry. Valued at $500, renewable. 

  • EXPIRED DEADLINE 10/17/2024 - YoungArts Award: Applicants must be interested in Dance, cinema, jazz, music photography, theater, visual arts, voice and or writing. Valued between $100-$10,000. 

  • ​EXPIRED DEADLINE 8/31/2024- The American Fire Sprinkler Association (AFSA)-2nd Chance Scholarship: Qualifying seniors planning to attend college or trade school next fall may apply. Winner selection is NOT based on financial need, GPA, or demographic criteria. Valued at $1,000.

  • Pending Opening in February 2025 > EXPIRED DEADLINE â€‹3/31/2024 - Lansing Federal Credit Union (LAFCU)-"Write to Educate" Essay Scholarship: Seniors planning to attend an accredited college or university in the state of Michigan in the Fall should apply. This year's 500 word essay topic is, "If you had the opportunity to change the future of the Workplace, what would you change and why?" The Lansing State Journal is a community sponsor of the 2023 Write to Educate Essay Contest. This years winner(s) essays will be published in the Lansing State Journal. A bonus with this scholarship is a community donation to the winners' community non-profit of choice, all of which serve the Mid-Michigan region including Shiawassee Co: (1) Capital Area Humane Society, (2) Greater Lansing Food Bank, and (3) Capital Area United Way.  Valued at $5,000 each (four winners will be selected). 

  • EXPIRED DEADLINE 10/31/2024 - Gemm Learning-Dyslexia/Auditory Processing Disorder Scholarship: Qualifying seniors planning to attend college next fall may apply. Applicants must be living with diagnosed dyslexia. Requires 500-650 word essay on “Living With Dyslexia” or “Living With Auditory Processing Disorder”. Valued at $1,000.

  • EXPIRED DEADLINE ​10/31/2024 - VFW-Voice of Democracy & Patriot's Pen Scholarships: Qualifying 9th-12th grade students may apply. If the application requires engagement with a local VFW, the local organization in Owosso is the VFW Post #9455, 519 S Chipman St, Owosso, MI 48867. The OHS SSC suggests applicants contact the local VFW Post #9455 as early as possible to make official arrangements for their application submission. Valued between $25,000 and $35,000. 

  • EXPIRED DEADLINE 11/12/2024 ​- Elks Lodge Most Valuable Student Scholarship: Seniors may apply online-requires essay and teacher evaluation. 500 four-year scholarships will be awarded to the highest rated applicants. Finalists will attend a Leadership Weekend in Chicago. Value: First Place = $50,000 x 2; Second Place = $40,000 x 2; Third Place = $30,000 x 2; Fourth Place = $20,000 x 14; Runners Up = $4,000 x 480.

  • EXPIRED DEADLINE 11/30/2024 - American Welding Society (AWS) Scholarship: Graduating seniors may apply who are planning to pursue the trade-skill of welding. This scholarship is exclusively for individuals wishing to gain a certificate, credential, or 2-year degree. Valued unknown. 

  • EXPIRED DEADLINE 12/1/2024- Michigan  Elks Charitable Grant Fund Scholarship:  Graduating students with special-needs may apply for this scholarship who want to pursue higher education at an accredited educational institution or a licensed trade or vocational school. Each scholarship award will be in the amount of $2,000 per year. 

  • EXPIRED DEADLINE 12/1/2024 ​- The Hagan Scholarship: Graduating seniors and 5th Year Early Middle College students may apply who are planning to attend a 4-year college in the USA by next fall Applicants must have a 3.5+ cumulative GPA, show proof of financial need by providing their FAFSA SAR report, and have a willingness to work part time while attending college. Valued at $1,000 to $60,000. 

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